Over the years we’ve had a few instances of Octopus Deploy users accidentally releasing a version to multiple environments, based on a tenant tag.
I usually tell users to check that the Tenant list under ‘Preview and customize’ only contains the 1 environment intended, but we still have some slip through where Octopus deploys to 20+ environments, which I then need to roll back.
Is there a way to alert users when there are more than 1 Tenant in the list, so they can sense check it before proceeding to deploy?
This can be achieved with a PowerShell script, which you add as a deployment step. The script will check for more than one tenant, and alert the user to perform manual intervention if it detects more than 1 target
To have the script work successfully, you must perform the following:
variable in the Script to match your Octopus Hostname.#{Octopus.Action[Run a Script].Output.MultipleTenants}
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop";
# Define working variables
$octopusURL = "http://OctopusURL"
$octopusAPIKey = "$APIKey"
$header = @{ "X-Octopus-ApiKey" = $octopusAPIKey }
$spaceId = $OctopusParameters["Octopus.Space.Id"]
# Get Release Deployment Data
$releaseData = Invoke-RestMethod -method GET -uri "$($octopusURL)/api/$($spaceId)/releases/#{Octopus.Release.Id}/deployments/" -Headers $header
# Get DateTime of Deployment Created
$checkDate = Get-Date $OctopusParameters["Octopus.Deployment.Created"] -format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
write-host "The following tenants are being deployed to at $($checkDate):"
# Instantiate list
$tenantList = @()
# ForEach Deployment Item inside the Release do the following:
foreach($item in $releaseData.Items){
# Generate compatible DateTime for comparison with deployment Time
$date = Get-Date $item.Created.Substring(0,19) -format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
# Check date equivalence, if equal then do the following:
if($date -eq $checkDate){
write-host "The tenant with ID: $($item.TenantId) is included in this deployment at $($date)."
# Add tenant to list
$tenantList = $TenantList + ($item.TenantId)
# If a release is redeployed, previous tenants may exist in the JSON items, this elseif generates the list of tenants deployed to previously, but not in THIS deployment:
}elseif($tenantList -notcontains $item.TenantId){
write-host "The tenant with ID: $($item.TenantId) is not included in this deployment as it was deployed at $($date)."
# Condition check list size, create output variable if more than one Tenant.
if($tenantList.Count -gt 1){
Set-OctopusVariable -name "MultipleTenants" -value "True"