I'm using https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools to handle compiling the requirements.txt file for a Django project.
Previously, I was using it without a setup.py, and so I was using base.in, local.in, and production.in.
When I needed a local requirements.txt, after I finished running pip-compile
, I just ran pip-sync base.txt local.txt
, and it installed the requirements for the local environment.
When I needed a production requirements.txt, after I finished running pip-compile
, I just ran pip-sync base.txt production.txt
, and it installed the requirements for the production environment.
So, I switched away from using base.in, because I wanted to also lock the Python version and I realized setup.py and setup.cfg can help using python_requires
But now I've become unsure of how to use setup.py and setup.cfg along with pip-tools to compile requirements.txt that can be environment-specific.
The only documentation for layered requirements is by using the different .in files as written in the README as in: https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools#workflow-for-layered-requirements
So, my question is, with the following components:
How to still have layered requirements?
works smoothly with setup.py
too. You just need to run it without providing it with an *.in
So assuming, that you have the following structure:
# setup.py replacing the base.in file
from distutils.core import setup
and a local.in file:
you need to do the following to compile the dependencies:
$ pip-compile -o base.txt
$ pip-compile local.in
$ pip-sync base.txt local.txt
$ pip-compile -o base.txt
will generate dependencies from setup.py
using base.txt
as an output file. It defaults to requirements.txt
$ pip-compile local.in
is the same what you did before, as with the pip-sync
part which doesn't change.
So the only magic here is to run pip-compile
without providing it with an input file.
Setup.py supports extras_require
which is a dictionary of named optional dependencies:
"local": ["pytest"],
pip-tools has an option extra
$ pip-compile --help |grep extra
--extra TEXT Name of an extras_require group to install;
So you could do the following:
pip-compile --extra local -o local.txt
pip-compile --extra production -o production.txt
The output files contain all requiremenets in install_requires
+ the extra requirements specified.
Afterwards you just sync the local/production.txt:
$ pip-sync local.txt
$ pip-sync production.txt
If I was you, I would grab the pure setup.py variant.