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Iterating over string returns empty in c (os development)

I was making an os, or atleast trying to, but I stumbled upon a problem. While trying to iterate over a string to convert to char to print to screen, the returned char seemed to be empty!(I am actually new to os development); Here is the code snippet:

int offset = 0;

void clear_screen() {
    unsigned char * video = 0xB8000;
    for(int i = 0; i < 2000; i+=2){
        video[i] = ' ';

void printc(char c) {
    unsigned char * video = 0xB8000;
    video[offset] = c;
    video[offset+1] = 0x03;
    offset += 2;

void print(unsigned char *string) {
    char * sus = '\0';
    uint32 i = 0;
    sus[0] = 'a';
    printc(sus[0]);  //this prints "a" correctly
    string[i] = 'c';
    while (string[i] != '\0') {
        printc(string[i]);   //this while loop is only called once 
        i++;                 //it prints " " only once and exits

int bootup(void)

    // printc('h');
    // printc('e');
    // printc('l');                     /* These work */
    // printc('l');
    // printc('o');

    print("hello"); //this doesn't

    return 1;


Output that it prints:

|a |

Thanks in advance!!


New print function

void print(unsigned char *string) {
    uint32 i = 0;
    while (string[i] != '\0') {
        printc('i');  //not printed

still does not work

edit 2 updated the code as per @lundin's advice

int offset = 0;

void clear_screen() {
    unsigned char * video = (unsigned char *)0xB8000;
    for(int i = 0; i < 2000; i+=2){
        video[i] = ' ';

void printc(char c) {
    unsigned char * video = (unsigned char *)0xB8000;
    video[offset] = c;
    video[offset+1] = 0x03;
    offset += 2;

void print(const char *string) {
    int i = 0;
    while (string[i] != '\0') {

int bootup(void)
    // printc('h');
    // printc('e');
    // printc('l');
    // printc('l');
    // printc('o');
    return 1;



    mov ax, 0x10
    mov fs, ax          ;other segments are ignored
    mov gs, ax

    mov rbp, 0x90000    ;set up stack
    mov rsp, rbp

    ;Load kernel from disk
    xor ebx, ebx        ;upper 2 bytes above bh in ebx is for cylinder = 0x0
    mov bl, 0x2         ;read from 2nd sectors
    mov bh, 0x0         ;head
    mov ch, 1           ;read 1 sector
    mov rdi, KERNEL_ADDRESS
    call ata_chs_read


    jmp $


  • Before proceeding I would recommend reading the OSDev wiki's page on text-based UIs.

    While this may go beyond the scope of the question somewhat, I would strongly recommend that, rather than working with the character/attribute values as unsigned char manually, you might want to declare a struct type for those pairs:

    struct TextCell {
        volatile unsigned char ch;
        volatile uint8_t attribute;

    (You could actually be even more refined about it, by using a bitfield for the individual foreground, background, and decoration components of the attributes, but that's probably getting ahead of things.)

    From there you can define the text buffer as a constant pointer:

    const struct TextCell* text_buffer = (TextCell *)0xB8000;

    You could further define

    const uint16_t MAXH = 80, MAXV = 25;
    uint16_t currv = 0, currh = 0;
    struct TextCell* text_cursor = text_buffer;
    void advance_cursor() {
        if (currh < MAXH) {
        else {
            currh = 0;
            if (currv < MAXV) {
            else {
                /* handle scrolling */
    void gotoxy(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
        uint16_t new_pos = x * y;
        if (new_pos > (MAXV * MAXH)) {
            text_cursor = text_buffer + (MAXV * MAXH);
            currh = MAXH;
            currv = MAXV;
        else {
            text_cursor += new_pos;
            currh = x;
            currv = y;

    Which would lead to the following modifications of your code:

    void kprintc(char c, uint8_t attrib) {
        text_cursor->ch = c;
        text_cursor->attribute = attrib;
    void kprint(const char *string, uint8_t attribs) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++) {
            kprintc(string[i], attribs);
    void clear_screen() {
        for(int i = 0; i < (MAXH * MAXV); i++) {
            kprintc(' ', 0);
    int bootup(void) {
        // kprintc('h', 0x03);
        // kprintc('e', 0x03);
        // kprintc('l', 0x03);
        // kprintc('l', 0x03);
        // kprintc('o', 0x03);
        kprint("hello", 0x03);
        return 1;

    So, why am I suggesting all of this extra stuff? Because it is a lot easier to debug this way, mainly - it divides the concerns up better, and structures the data (or in this case, the video text buffer) more effectively. Also, you'll eventually need to do something like this at some point in the project, so if it helps now, you might as well do it now.

    If I am out of line in this, please let me know.