I've been trying to get text wrapping for my table which isn't implemented in python-docx.
So far so good, I've isolated that MS Word adds <w:tblpPr w:leftFromText="180" w:rightFromText="180" w:vertAnchor="text" w:tblpY="1"/>
as a child to the table properties element so I just need to inject that into my table in python-docx.
I got real close. Because I was able to find the element class in the library to add a child to. However my problem lays in the w: namespace because it won't let me construct an Element tag with the ':' character in it. I tried two methods, both failed.
tblPrElement = Element('w:tblpPr ', {'w:leftFromText': '180', 'w:rightFromText': '180', 'w:vertAnchor': 'text', 'w:tblpY': '1' })
tblPrElement = parse_xml('<w:tblpPr w:leftFromText="180" w:rightFromText="180" w:vertAnchor="text" w:tblpY="1"/>')
If I try it omitting the w: ...
document = Document()
table = document.add_table(rows=1, cols=3)
tblPrElement = parse_xml('<tblpPr leftFromText="180" rightFromText="180" vertAnchor="text" tblpY="1"/>')
...then the document builds but ms word can't open it because the xml then looks like this:
python-docx has a qn
method for using with element creation.
def qn(tag):
Stands for "qualified name", a utility function to turn a namespace
prefixed tag name into a Clark-notation qualified tag name for lxml. For
example, ``qn('p:cSld')`` returns ``'{http://schemas.../main}cSld'``.
It allows you to type XML with namespace prefixes.
from docx.oxml.ns import qn
def set_text_wrap_around_table(table):
tbl_properties_element = Element(qn('w:tblpPr'),
qn('w:leftFromText'): '180',
qn('w:rightFromText'): '180',
qn('w:vertAnchor'): 'text',
qn('w:tblpY'): '1'
If the element you'd like to create already has a class defined in python-docx you can create it using docx.oxml.OxmlElement
for example, you can create a paragraph run element class like so:
from docx.oxml import OxmlElement
run_element = OxmlElement('w:r')
This has the added benefits of having its possible children defined as attributes and more.