So I recently updated my Android Studio to "Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 1" and now I have this weird bug where my emulator would disappear randomly. It works fine for sometime but would randomly disappear. In the device manager it shows that emulator is running but in the emulator tab it shows "No emulator is currently running"
As you can see from the screenshot attached green dot in the device manager that means "Emulator is running", whereas it isn't. The only way to get back emulator is to "cold reboot it" from the device manager. Anyone else facing the same bug? Any suggestions as to where to look trying to debug this. I've tried deleting and installing emulator again but the issue persisted.
Had exactly the same issue on BumbleBee and the only way that I found to go about this, was to use a detached emulator in a separate window.
To run the emulator in a separate window go to File > Settings > Tools > Emulator (On Mac -> *Android Studio > Preferences > Tools > Emulator ) and deselect Launch in a tool window
This way the emulator will always be there.