I'm trying to deploy a lambda on AWS with Serverless which has a Kinesis data stream as a trigger. I'm also wanting to define that any failed messages raised by the lambda are sent to a Dead Letter queue.
I couldn't find an example of how to do this in the Serverless documentation, but I found what I thought was how to do it at https://betterdev.blog/aws-lambda-kinesis-trigger-pitfalls/.
I have created a Serverless file where the lambda target looks like this:
handler: src/lambdas/my_lambda.lambda_handler
name: my_lambda
memorySize: 256
timeout: 28
- 'src/lambdas/my_lambda.py'
role: MyLambdaRole # Defined in a separate file.
- stream:
type: kinesis
arn: ${self:custom.MY_KINESIS_DATA_STREAM_ARN} # ARN of Kinesis data stream.
batchSize: 100
maximumRetryAttempts: 10
startingPosition: LATEST
enabled: false
type: sqs
arn: ${self:custom.MY_DLQ_ARN} # ARN of SQS DLQ.
When I try and deploy, I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
at Object.normalizeNameToAlphaNumericOnly (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/lib/naming.js:32:36)
at Object.getStreamLogicalId (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/lib/naming.js:372:14)
at functionObj.events.forEach (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/package/compile/events/stream.js:184:58)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at serverless.service.getAllFunctions.forEach (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/package/compile/events/stream.js:143:28)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at AwsCompileStreamEvents.compileStreamEvents (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/plugins/aws/package/compile/events/stream.js:93:47)
at PluginManager.invoke (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/serverless/lib/classes/PluginManager.js:579:20)
The message isn't helpful in identifying what the issue is. Could anyone suggest what the problem might be, please?
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
Fixed: my Kinesis data stream ARN was incorrect.