I use Android Studio and Xcode to develop Android and iOS apps respectively.
When I use Android Studio, I can use an option to create a snapshot on android emulator. This way I can restore the snapshot and continue the development using the same data that stored in Sqlite database and SharedPreferences.
I use Xcode and want to replicate the behavior do the same process on the iOS simulator because I want to retain data in UserDefaults and the Sqlite database.
I see some options to do that in a very old version of Xcode, but can't find it in the Xcode 13 version.
Is it possible to create and restore a snapshot on Xcode 13 and iOS Simulator just like in Android Studio with Android Emulator ?
If is not possible, there is any other way or workaround to do something similar ?
I found a workaround since I can't find a way to use snapshot with Xcode and iOS Simulator.
I use the following code in my app:
print("home directory: \(NSHomeDirectory())" )
This code shows where the iOS simulator folder of the app is located
With that information, I can find the database.sqlite file. I can copy and backup the file or edit the info inside direct in the database.sqlite file.
This way I can use the app and restore the database.sqlite when I want to.
After I edit some info in this file, I just need to remember to run the app again using Ctrl+R.
The same is valid with the file that contains the UserDefaults data stored by the app. This file is located inside HomeDirectory/Library/Preferences/<app_bundle_id>.plist
You can edit and backup the file if you want, but if you modify the file, remember to run the app again with Xcode.