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Getting Sonarqube to show a code Coverage score for a simple Java/JUnit/Maven project with Jacoco plugin

I'm practicing on a very small Java/JUnit/Maven project with the Jacoco plugin to practice with the Code Coverage feature of Sonarqube.

The core code for the example is small. Here is the class under test:

package com.somebody.sonarqube;

public class Calculator {
    // Method to add two numbers
    public int addNumbers(int one, int two) {
        return one + two;
    // Method to subtract two numbers
    public int subtractNumbers(int one, int two) {
        return one - two;

And here are the unit tests:

package com.somebody.sonarqube;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;

public class CalculatorTest {

    public void testAddNumbers() {
        Calculator myCalc = new Calculator();
        assertEquals(10, myCalc.addNumbers(5, 5));

    public void testSubtractNumbers() {
        Calculator myCalc = new Calculator();
        assertEquals(5, myCalc.subtractNumbers(10, 5));


The two methods in the class under test are covered by the two unit tests respectively, so as far as "Code Coverage" is concerned, that Sonarqube score should be 100%.

When trying to get this score after running my "clean test sonar:sonar" Maven build targets, I'm getting 0% instead:

Sonarqube score

So the part I'm having the most trouble with is getting the various components in the pom.xml file working together. At this time there's a warning at the <systemPropertyVariables> block at the bottom that reports Invalid plugin configuration: systemPropertyVariables. Here's the full pom.xml file:

<project xmlns=""
   <description>Small example of Sonarqube and JUnit tests.</description>

I've tried a lot of variations to this, including changing JUnit 4 to version 5 (I'd be interested to hear about issues on this too). From my reading I generally understand that the Eclipse/JUnit lifecycle is not fully working harmoniously with the Maven lifecycle by default, hence it's missing something. The solutions I've seen/tried are quite specific to certain project setups, and I have tried manually setting "arguments" and other changes. Would be really thrilled to see your opinions on this having spent a number of hours playing with different versions.


  • I was able to finally answer the question based upon a similar example I just found on this GitHub project:

    In short, they used "clean verify sonar:sonar" rather than "clean test sonar:sonar" Maven build targets. The change triggered the code coverage plugin that I was looking for to publish code coverage scores in the Sonarqube dashboard.

    As an aside, the warning message I also shared regarding <systemPropertyVariables> was not critical to solving the problem, and I decided to go without that part of the code, and still get all the reports in the Sonarqube dashboard I was looking for.