I'm having some trouble capturing the ValueError exception.
I gave it 've' as I haven't used this variable yet. I didn't give 'e', as I've already used this for another exception.
Note that this code is just for me to practice handling exceptions, the content itself is not meaningful.
while not correct_input:
distance_travelled = float(input("enter distance travelled in km: ")) #input enters strings, so you must convert to the datatype you want
monetary_value = float(input("amount paid to cover distance: "))
price_per_litre = 1.59
fuel_consumed = monetary_value/price_per_litre
if monetary_value/price_per_litre < 0:
raise Exception #I can raise my own custom exception here
except Exception as e:
print("too small, try again")
except ValueError as ve: #Catch our exception, and handle it properly. Ensure specific exceptions at the top, general at the bottom
print("error, try again with an integer")
else: #Runs code if try doesn't raise an exception
correct_input = True
finally: #Regardless of error or not, what you wish for it to do. i.e. close a file, close database etc
< 0
you ll only meet this condition when you ll enter negative values, please see if you want that or you want < 1
. else the code is follwing.
correct_input = False
while not correct_input:
try: # just check if you are getting integer/floating value here only
distance_travelled = float(input("enter distance travelled in km: ")) #input enters strings, so you must convert to the datatype you want
monetary_value = float(input("amount paid to cover distance: "))
print('Only Integer and Floting point number')
price_per_litre = 1.59
fuel_consumed = monetary_value/price_per_litre
if monetary_value/price_per_litre < 0: # I have a doubt if you really want 0 here. OR 1
raise ValueError # raise value error when condition is met.
except ValueError as ve:
print('Too Small')
correct_input = True