I'm trying to enable basic auth for atlantis
I have followed the official docs here however it seems the below settings are not honored by atlantis
docker run runatlantis/atlantis:v0.18.1 server --gitlab-user=username --gitlab-token=token --web-basic-auth=true --web-username=admin --web-password=password --repo-allowlist="gitlab.com/group/*"
When the server is running I can login without username/password
According to https://github.com/runatlantis/atlantis/releases/tag/v0.18.2 version v0.18.2
has fixed issue with basic auth
fix: add back basic auth support by @Aayyush in #2008
docker run runatlantis/atlantis:v0.18.2 server --gitlab-user=username --gitlab-token=token --web-basic-auth=true --web-username=admin --web-password=password --repo-allowlist="gitlab.com/group/*"