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About enable/disable by conditional values in ansible yaml manifest

I want a variable on Ansible to be active or passive depending on the condition.

I am using the role "davidwittman.redis". I'm setting up a redis cluster. I need to run a single yml file by deploying it to 3 servers at the same time. I can't distribute "yml" files separately.

I have a simple setup configuration below. Here, I want to activate the "redis_slaveof" value on all other servers, except the master server, depending on the condition.

In other words, I want the "redis_slaveof" value I selected to not be active on the master server, but to have this value active on the other 2 servers.

How can I do this, do you have any suggestions ?

my main ansible configuration;

> - name: Redis Replication Slave Installations   hosts: localhost
>   pre_tasks:
>   - name: check redis server1
>     shell: "cat /etc/hosts |grep redis |awk '{print $2}' |sed -n 1p"
>     register: server01
>   - name: check redis server2
>     shell: "cat /etc/hosts |grep redis |awk '{print $2}' |sed -n 2p"
>     register: server02
>   - name: check redis server3
>     shell: "cat /etc/hosts |grep redis |awk '{print $2}' |sed -n 3p"
>     register: server03
>   roles:
>     - role: davidwittman.redis
>       vars:
>         - redis_version: 6.2.6
>         - redis_bind:
>         - redis_port: 6379
>         - redis_service_name: redis-service
>         - redis_protected_mode: "no"
>         - redis_config_file_name: "redis.conf"
> #        - redis_slaveof: "{{ server01.stdout }} 6379"

I tried the following;

  • I added extra task and "import_role". I put a when condition in it. If my server01 value and server local hostname value are not the equal, enable this role. Thus, I thought that it would activate this value on other servers except the master server.But it didn't work, added it on all servers. I saw the following error in the logs. "[WARNING]: flush_handlers task does not support when conditional"
  - name: test
      name: davidwittman.redis
      redis_slaveof: "{{ server01.stdout }} 6379"
    when: '"{{ (server01.stdout) }}" != "{{ ansible_hostname }}"'
  • I added the when condition to the main role as above and made it to two different roles in a single yml. This method also failed.
- role: davidwittman.redis
  when: '"{{ (server01.stdout) }}" != "{{ ansible_hostname }}"'
  • I defined the "if/else" condition as follows in the variable. But although it seems to have worked, it still gave the error "does not support when conditional". Added it to all servers as well.
  • redis_slaveof: "{%if '{{ (server01.stdout) }} != {{ ansible_hostname }}' %} {{ '{{ (server01.stdout) }} 6379' }} {% else %} {{ '' }} {% endif %}"


  • So you want to run a role differently, based on variables.

    In your playbook do not use

      - role: davidwittman.redis

    but rather do

      - name: Pass variables to role
          name: myrole
          rolevar1: value from task

    This is executed after roles but now you can add when expressions:

      - name: Pass variables to role
          name: myrole
          rolevar1: value from task
        when: ansible_hostname = "server1"
      - name: Pass variables to role
          name: myrole
          rolevar1: value from task
          additionalrolevar: whatever
        when: ansible_hostname != "server1"