I have a feature file as:
Scenario: Verify user can select list value
Given Login user
When User clicks on column
Then Drop down list should be visible
Then User can select any value from the drop down
In yml file I have locators as:
locator: "//div[@class='cdk-overlay-container']//div[@role='listbox']//mat-option"
strategy: XPATH
I am getting list xpath and elements xpath is like follows
.py file code is
pageName = get_node_from_description(page_name)
page_config_yaml = get_yaml_config_from(page_name)
dom_element_info = page_config_yaml.getValue(pageName, get_node_from_description(drop_down))
matching_element_on_pages = getMatchingElements(dom_element_info, browser)
dom_element_info = page_config_yaml.getValue(pageName, get_node_from_description(columnText))
matching_element_on_page = getMatchingElement(dom_element_info, browser)
value = matching_element_on_page.text
for element in matching_elements_on_page:
val = element.text()
#Here I wanted to add [1] .[2] at the end of the dom_enlement_info
The dom_element_info is returning value like
dom_element_info ={'locator': "//div[@class='cdk-overlay-container']//div[@role='listbox']//mat-option", 'strategy': 'XPATH'}
How to add the [1],[2] as per drop down value need
You can add the indexes using the following Locator Strategies:
Instead of: