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How to wirte a part of <fo:table> in a function

I have to create many <fo:table-row> in a <fo:table-body>. I think it's not nice if I write almost 5 lines of code several times (Maybe 50 times) to create the rows.

Like this:

   <fo:table-cell padding-bottom="6pt">
       <fo:value-of select="row1"/>
   <fo:table-cell padding-bottom="6pt">
       <fo:value-of select="row2"/>
   <fo:table-cell padding-bottom="6pt">
       <fo:value-of select="row3"/>

I tried to write a function that writes the <fo:table-row> for me. And I have to call the function every time and pass a parameter.

<xsl:function name="fn:createRow">
    <xsl:param name="string1"/>
       <fo:table-cell padding-bottom="6pt">
           <fo:value-of select="$string1"/>

And now my XSLT look like this.

           <fo:value-of select="fn:createRow('row1')"/>
           <fo:value-of select="fn:createRow('row2')"/>

But I get the error:

"fo:block" is not a valid child of "fo:table-body"!

But when I work without <fo:block> I get nothing in the PDF:

       <fo:value-of select="fn:createRow('row1')"/>
       <fo:value-of select="fn:createRow('row2')"/>

Is there any opportunity to do it?



  • fo:table-cell can contain one or more block-level FOs, including fo:block. (See

    You don't show your XML, but if all of the row* elements are contained by one element, then in the template for that element, you could do something like:

        <xsl:for-each select="*">
            <fo:table-cell padding-bottom="6pt">
                <!-- The row* element is the current element here. -->
                <xsl:apply-templates />

    Alternatively, you could make a template for all of the row* elements:

    <xsl:template match="*[starts-with(local-name(), 'row')]">

    (From this distance, it's not clear why the row elements need separate element names.)

    When you know the names of the elements that you want to format, you can do:

    <xsl:apply-templates select="row1, row2, row3" />


    <xsl:template match="row1 | row2 | row3">