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Generate new variable by grouping an old one according to its value characteristic

I want to generate a new variable in Stata by grouping an old one according to its value characteristics. I have one variable called status that reflects employment type and status, so it has values like "Manager", "Ex-Manager", "Employee", "Ex-Employee".

Now I want to generate a new dummy variable that equals 1 if the person is still employed (contains "Manager" and "Employee") and equals 0 if the person is no longer employed ("Ex-Employee", "Ex-Manager").


  • generate wanted = inlist(status, "Manager", "Employee") if !missing(status) 

    will produce an indicator variable that is 1 if status is either of the specified values, 0 if it is another specified value, and missing if status is missing (meaning, an empty string).

    See the help for inlist() and FAQs such as

    Note that the comparison is entirely literal (no incorrect spellings or extra spaces or characters).