I give the end user to either provide username i.e dest_user
for which ssh-keys is already setup on Linux for all destination hosts i.e dest_host
Below is how I setup dynamic inventory for passwordless user
- add_host:
name: "{{ item }}"
groups: dest_nodes
ansible_user: "{{ dest_user }}"
with_items: "{{ dest_host.split() }}"
when: dest_user != ""
All good. The second scenario is when the user does not provide any dest_user
then his SSO username (I get this from their Jenkins login) and password i.e., dest_pass
which he enters manually should be used for all hosts in the dynamic inventory.
How can I construct dest_nodes
group to accommodate both username for passwordless login and both username-password for SSO login?
You can conditionally prompt for a variable using the pause
module, and use the special variable omit
to make the ansible_password
optional in your add_host
Note: as you seems to have a pretty good idea on the way to get the user from Jenkins, I assumed it in a variable dest_user_from_jenkins
, here.
Here would be the two tasks to do so:
- pause:
prompt: Please enter your password
echo: no
register: dest_pass
when: dest_user | default('') == ''
- add_host:
name: "{{ item }}"
groups: dest_nodes
ansible_user: "{{ dest_user | default(dest_user_from_jenkins) }}"
ansible_password: "{{ dest_pass.user_input | default(omit) }}"
loop: "{{ dest_host.split() }}"
Given the playbook:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
dest_host: foo bar
dest_user_from_jenkins: dest_user_not_set
- pause:
prompt: Please enter your password
echo: no
register: dest_pass
when: dest_user | default('') == ''
- add_host:
name: "{{ item }}"
groups: dest_nodes
ansible_user: "{{ dest_user | default(dest_user_from_jenkins) }}"
ansible_password: "{{ dest_pass.user_input | default(omit) }}"
loop: "{{ dest_host.split() }}"
- debug:
msg: |
user: {{ hostvars[item].ansible_user }}
password: {{
| default('password has not been set!')
loop: "{{ groups['dest_nodes'] }}"
We end up having two possible paths:
TASK [pause] ***********************************************************
Please enter your password (output is hidden):
ok: [localhost]
TASK [add_host] ********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=foo)
ok: [localhost] => (item=bar)
TASK [debug] ***********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=foo) =>
msg: |-
user: dest_user_not_set
password: password
ok: [localhost] => (item=bar) =>
msg: |-
user: dest_user_not_set
password: password
--extra-vars "dest_user=dest_user_set"
, this yields:
TASK [pause] ***********************************************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK [add_host] ********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=foo)
ok: [localhost] => (item=bar)
TASK [debug] ***********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item=foo) =>
msg: |-
user: dest_user_set
password: password has not been set!
ok: [localhost] => (item=bar) =>
msg: |-
user: dest_user_set
password: password has not been set!