I'm trying to filter the list of EC2 instances that I get in my script. I want my search to be based on tags, as we tag instances based on their purpose (service machines, personal gateways, etc).
I use this:
client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name='eu-west-1')
results = (
{'Name': 'tag:Service', 'Values': ['gw']}
for result in results['Reservations']:
print(counter, result['Instances'][0]['InstanceId'])
The above works fine, but I'm not getting the correct amount of instances according to my counter.
I went and double checked it: in my EC2 console I get 361 instances based on that same tag:
When I run the above code, I get 335 instances (according to the counter I placed).
Then when I change the filter to use GW
instead of gw
, I get a 26 instances only, which add up to 361 (335 + 26).
I tried fixing it by simply adding another filter, like so:
results = (
{'Name': 'tag:Service', 'Values': ['gw']},
{'Name': 'tag:Service', 'Values': ['GW']}
This variation doesn't return anything, so I guess I can't use the same key with "different" values?
I tried stuff like {'Name': 'tag:Service', 'Values': ['gw'|'GW']
but |
is not supported.
I would like to avoid searching for these tags inside a loop. I think utilizing the built-in filter
inside of my paginator would be cleaner and simpler.
I'm not sure what other options I have. Why would the EC2 console be case insensitive, but the filter is not?
turns out I wasn't paying enough attention to the docs, I just needed: {'Name': 'tag:Service', 'Values': ['gw', 'GW']}
From docs:
If you specify multiple values for a filter, the values are joined with an OR , and the request returns all results that match any of the specified values.
So it should be:
{'Name': 'tag:Service', 'Values': ['gw','GW']}