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More elegant (shorter) solution for this regex pattern

I have spent three days banging my head on how to find a single solution to match anything between either single or double quotes with escaped single or doublequotes within actual source string and to replace matching text .. and I think that I have succeeded. Multi-line or single-line - it works. That is, this regex can be used to alter/change/sanitize 'text' or "text" or strings in other words, in any source code *(eg: file_get_contents ('some_class.php')) and to leave everything else untouched, assuming that code comments are already removed before such action.

Here is regex wrapped in singlequotes ..


.. and here is regex wrapped within doublequotes.


It is perfeclty matching with source code like this ...

// Very nasty php array 

$Damn = [

  'a' => "' lorem ipsum '",

  'b' => '"\" ipsu\'m lorem  ',

  'c' => " \' YabadabaDooya \" ",

  'd\"' => ' 



                 \'bar" ',

  'e' => "'",

  "f" => '"'


Since this is working as I expect, and I am actually not a PCRE guru (don't ask how much 'pain' I've had in the past three days D: until I came up to this solution), if there's anyone who knows how, and is willing to help by shrinking the above regex into more elegant/shorter solution, that would be superb. I assume that | (or) in the middle of the pattern can be placed onto beginning, just once .. and I tried God only knows what .. to accomplish that, but no luck.

So, the general question is - how would shorter variant of the above pattern look alike ?


  • For Spooky, try this Multi-Delimiter Common Core approach
    which is mostly your regex.


         ( ["'`] )              # (1), The delimiters
         (                      # (2 start)
               \\ .                   # Escape anything
             |                       # or,
               (?! \1 | \\ )          # Not a delimiter nor an escape
               .                      # Any character
         )                      # (2 end)
         ( \1 )                 # (3), Backreference to the delimiter