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mongodb aggregation pipeline solution for getting record from 2 collections based on the value from an array in one collection

I have two mongoDb collections, one contains data about cards and the other contains data about a field of cards and called list. structure of firstCollection :

        {"abc":"abc", "xyz":"XYZ", "inputMethod" : "Entry", "xyz":"xyz"}, 
        {"abc":"abc", "xyz":"XYZ", "inputMethod" : "List", "xyz":"xyz", "ListId":"1234"}
        // ListId will only be present incase of inputMethod=List 

Structure of secondCollection:

{ "abc":"abc", "xyz":"xyz, "itemId": "1234" }

Now what I want is all the firstCollection where cardType = "card", complete card object and all the items from secondCollection where itemId in (select ListId from firstCollection where fields.inputmethod = "List").

Need to write MongoDB pipeline for this situation. I am quite new to mongo, it can be done using an aggregation pipeline with $loopup but I can write the pipeline. the result I want :

    firstCollection:{complete collection },
        array of matching records from second collection where 
        secondelement.itemId in(records from array of firstcollection 
        where fields.inputmethod = "List" )


  • db.first.aggregate([
        $match: {}
        $project: {
          firstCollection: "$$ROOT"
        $lookup: {
          "from": "second",
          "localField": "firstCollection.fields.ListId",
          "foreignField": "itemId",
          "as": "secondCollection"
