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Google Drive API v3 Permissions sendNotificationEmail: False -Not Working

I am utilizing the Permissions endpoint call of the Google Drive API v3 to assign reader and writer status to a folder within app scripts for a shared google drive. The main goal is to not send the notification email when the permission is shared with a user. I have included the parameter 'sendNotificationEmail: false' in the body of the request however the email is still being sent notifying the user. The code snippet that I am using is below. Am I including the 'sendNotificationEmail' parameter in the wrong part of the request?

if (currTabName == "Testing" && curRange.getColumn() == 2){
   for (var i = row; i < (row+rows); i++) {
     var Email = currSS.getRange(i,2,1,1).getValue();
      var url = '';
      var data = {
        'role': 'writer',
        'type': 'user',
        'sendNotificationEmail': false,
        'emailAddress': Email,
        'supportsAllDrives': true,
      var options = {
        'method'     : 'POST',
        'contentType': 'application/json',
        'headers'    : { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + 'yourAccessToken' },
        'payload'    : JSON.stringify(data) // Convert JavaScript object to JSON string
      var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
     catch(err) {


  • At the method of Permissions: create of Drive API, sendNotificationEmail and supportsAllDrives are required to be included in the query parameter. I think that this is the reason for your issue. So how about the following modification?


    var url = '';
    var data = {
      'role': 'writer',
      'type': 'user',
      'sendNotificationEmail': false,
      'emailAddress': Email,
      'supportsAllDrives': true,
    var options = {
      'method'     : 'POST',
      'contentType': 'application/json',
      'headers'    : { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + 'yourAccessToken' },
      'payload'    : JSON.stringify(data) // Convert JavaScript object to JSON string
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);


    var folderId = "###"; // Please set the folder ID.
    var url = `${folderId}/permissions`;
    url += "?sendNotificationEmail=false&supportsAllDrives=true";
    var data = {
      'role': 'writer',
      'type': 'user',
      'emailAddress': Email,
    var options = {
      'method': 'POST',
      'contentType': 'application/json',
      'headers': { Authorization: 'Bearer ' + 'yourAccessToken' },
      'payload': JSON.stringify(data)
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
