I have freshly installed drake using pip and while going through tutorials about mathematical programs, I cannot use the example with IpoptSolver. I am getting this error message, however, I cannot find information in the documentation how to compile it. Could you point me to the right direction?
ValueError: IpoptSolver cannot Solve because IpoptSolver::available() is false, i.e., IpoptSolver has not been compiled as part of this binary. Refer to the IpoptSolver class overview documentation for how to compile it.
For the pip install instructions as of today, we see a link to still has some known issues; see issue #15954
Following that, we find a link to Enable IPOPT in pip wheel #15971, an issue which was only resolved 4 hours ago.
So yes, in recent past, the IPOPT solver was not yet shipped in the pip wheels. However, it will be included as of the v0.39.0 release within the next day or two. (Edit: Drake v0.39.0 has been released, and has IPOPT available now.)
In the meantime, possibly some other solver like NloptSolver or SnoptSolver would be able to solve the program.
The list of other solvers is here: https://drake.mit.edu/doxygen_cxx/group__solvers.html.