I have a library which was Building perfectly fine in MacOSX10.10 XCode5.0.2 I was using Base SDK 10.8 and deployment target 10.6. now I have to ported that solution to MacOSX10.11 and Deployment target 10.9 in Xcode 7.2. one of my target has dependency on AppleTalk framework, when I tried to Build it It started giving error AppleTalk Framework not found I looked in SDKs folder APPleTalk Framework was not there in case of SDK10.11, but it was there in case of SDK10.8.
Is there any way i can get AppleTalk framework on MacOSX10.11 as I have read somewhere that AppleTalk is no longer Part of Framework.
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AppleTalk
With the purchase of NeXT and subsequent development of Mac OS X, AppleTalk was strictly a legacy system. Support was added to OS X in order to provide support for the large number of existing AppleTalk devices, notably laser printers and file shares, but alternate connection solutions common in this era, notably USB for printers, limited their demand. As Apple abandoned many of these product categories, and all new systems were based on IP, AppleTalk became less and less common. AppleTalk support was finally removed from the MacOS in Mac OS X v10.6 in 2009.[32]