I'm using ExecuteSQL,SplitAvro,ConvertAvroToJSON,EvaluateJsonPath,ReplaceText,ExecuteSQL.
I am trying to replace the content in the flowfile using replaceText processor.
Now, i can replace like this. -> INSERT INTO values (${id},'${name}') . ReplaceText process send excute sql like this :
INSERT into x values(1,'xx')
INSERT into x values(2,'yy')
INSERT into x values(3,'zz')
I'm sending INSERT query for each line.
But i want to send executesql process like this
INSERT INTO x values (1,'xx'),(2,'yy'),(3,'zz')
i'm not sure it's the best approach but you could do this:
SplitAvro # i guess you are splitting the records here (here you should get fragment.* attributes)
ConvertAvroToJSON # converting each record to json
EvaluateJsonPath # getting id,name values from json
ReplaceText # (${id}, '${name}')
MergeContent # merge rows back to single file with header and delimiter
Binary Concatenation
Header = Insert into X values
Demarcator = ,