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How can we use OVH s3 api to access ovh cloud storage in java

I want to use ovh s3 api to access ovh cloud storage in java using keystore, secret key , consumer key and region. So using that i can upload files on ovh cloud storage .


  • Before using Java to connect to your backend I suggest you validate your connection with the CLI client like following

    • Get your tokens you will need to generated them as explained in this documentation :

      Important steps are :

      1. Source your openrc file
      user@host:~$ source <user_name>
      1. create your ec2 credentials
        You will get a block with it as a response from this call
      user@host:~$ openstack ec2 credentials create
      1. edit your aws credentials
        be sure to provide the region and correct links to OVHcloud storage
      user@host:~$ cat ~/.aws/credentials
      aws_access_key_id = <access_key>
      aws_secret_access_key = <secret_key>
      user@host:~$ cat ~/.aws/config
      endpoint = awscli_plugin_endpoint
      [profile default]
      region = <region>
      s3 =
        endpoint_url = https://s3.<region>
        signature_version = s3v4
      s3api =
        endpoint_url = https://s3.<region>
    • Validate the connectivity of your bucket by listing your OVHcloud storage objects.

      aws --profile default s3 ls

    Then you can connect from java code you can use the code sample from this post answer Setting AWS S3 Region

    AWSCredentials cred = new BasicAWSCredentials(<accessKey>,<secretKey>);
    AmazonS3 s3client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
    .withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(cred))
    .withClientConfiguration(<your configuration>)

    Important thing is to provide the endpoint/region because sdk defaults to US_WEST region