Rather than providing a target, some libraries like LibRaw
generate variables that contain information about include paths, library paths and compile definitions. In the case of LibRaw
, vcpkg recommends the following usage:
target_compile_definitions(main PRIVATE ${LibRaw_DEFINITIONS})
target_include_directories(main PRIVATE ${LibRaw_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE ${LibRaw_LIBRARIES})
However, I would much rather stay consistent on linking libraries using
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE LibRaw)
Is there a way to wrap all of the provided variables into a target.
You should be able to create your own interface library and define the properties that should be applied to the main
target with INTERFACE
add_library(MyLibRaw INTERFACE)
target_compile_definitions(MyLibRaw INTERFACE ${LibRaw_DEFINITIONS})
target_include_directories(MyLibRaw INTERFACE ${LibRaw_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(MyLibRaw INTERFACE ${LibRaw_LIBRARIES})
This way every linking target linking MyLibRaw
will inherit those properties.
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE MyLibRaw)
Note that if you're reusing the target across multiple projects, you may want to create a find script that provides this target, if you do find_package(MyImports COMPONENTS LibRaw)
or similar...