Hi I wonder if there is a better way in terms of code readability and repetition.
I have a large file that do not fit in memory. The file is either compressed .gz or not.
If it is compressed I need to open it using gzip from standard lib.
I am not sure the code I ended up is the best way to deal with that situation.
import gzip
from Path import pathlib
def parse_open_file(openfile):
"""parse the content of the file"""
def parse_file(file_: Path):
if file.suffix == ".gz":
with gzip.open(file_, 'rb') as f:
with open(file_, 'rb') as f:
One way to handle this is to assign either open
or gzip.open
to a variable, depending on file type, then use that as an 'alias' in the with
statement. For example:
if file.suffix == ".gz":
myOpen = gzip.open
myOpen = open
with myOpen(file_, 'rb') as f: