I am having trouble creating new directories with the MSI generated with cx_freeze. I don't understand the windows direcotry_tables object and there is little to no documentation explaining it. has anyone had any success with this?
here is the documentation for the setup script for cx_freeze bdist_msi.
similar windows documentation on 'directory tables'
I would like my installer to create a directory in C:\ProgramData but I can't figure out what arguments to use in the "directory_table" 3 tuple to do this. Below is the default example directory table which works with no errors but I am not sure where the directory is actually put.
directory_table = [
("ProgramMenuFolder", "TARGETDIR", "."),
("MyProgramMenu", "ProgramMenuFolder", "MYPROG~1|My Program"),]
Hopefully someone has run into this previously, thanks for the help. below is my setup.py:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
import sys
company_name = 'MyCompany'
product_name = 'TestTKApp'
#list of 3-tuples. need help here.
directory_table = [
("ProgramMenuFolder", "TARGETDIR", "."),
("MyProgramMenu", "ProgramMenuFolder", "MYPROG~1|My Program"),]
base = None
if sys.platform == 'win32':
base = 'Win32GUI'
build_exe_options = {"includes": ["testmath"],
"path" : sys.path,
"include_files": [(r"PATH\TO\SOME\FILE","junk.txt")],
bdist_msi_options = {
# 'upgrade_code': '{66620F3A-DC3A-11E2-B341-002219E9B01E}',
'add_to_path': False,
'initial_target_dir': r'C:\ProgramFiles\%s\%s' % (company_name, product_name),
'target_name' : 'TestTKapp Installer',
'directories' : directory_table,
"summary_data": {"author": "Me",
"comments": "Test TKapp",}
setup(name='Test Dist App',
version = ' 1.0.0',
executables = [Executable(r"C:\PATH\TO\MY\APP\TestTKAPP.py", base = "Win32GUI")],
options={'bdist_msi': bdist_msi_options,
'build_exe': build_exe_options},
Ended up using an Inno Script to create my MSI. would still like to know how to do with with cx_freeze.
see documentation for inno scripting here. much easier and simply process for building windows installers:
in summary(How to build a python exe);
to create a requirements.txt for my projectcx_freeze
setup.py script to create MyApp.execx_freeze
setup.py from my virtual environment