I've been trying to implement the Karatsuba algorithm in Python3 in the following way:
def karatsuba(num1,num2):
n_max = max(len(str(int(num1))), len(str(int(num2))))
if n_max == 1:
return int(num1*num2)
n = n_max + n_max%2
a = num1//10**(n/2)
b = num1%10**(n/2)
c = num2//10**(n/2)
d = num2%10**(n/2)
t1 = karatsuba(a,c)
t3 = karatsuba(b,d)
t2 = karatsuba(a+b,c+d) - t1 - t3
return int(t1*10**n + t2*10**(n/2) + t3)
While the function works for small products, it fails for ones that exceed 18 digits. One can see this by running, say,
import random
for i in range(1,12):
a = random.randint(10**i, 10**(i+1)-1)
b = random.randint(10**i, 10**(i+1)-1)
print(f"{len(str(a*b))} digits, error: {abs(a*b - karatsuba(a,b))}")
I would appreciate if someone could explain what is the root of this problem and, if possible, how could this code be modified to fix it. My best guess is that some round-off error is committed by Python at some point. That said, I don't really know how int
fundamentally works in this language.
Use n//2
instead of n/2
to stay with int
s and avoid that precision loss due to that float