I have code below, what I need to change to get result mercedes\\-benz
instead of mercedes\-benz
$value = 'mercedes-benz';
$pattern = '/(\+|-|\/|&&|\|\||!|\(|\)|\{|}|\[|]|\^|"|~|\*|\?|:|\\\)/';
$replace = '\\\\${1}';
echo preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $value);
Welcome to the joys of "leaning toothpick syndrome" - backslash is such a commonly used escape character that it frequently requires escaping multiple times. Let's have a look at your case:
with an additional \
for use in the PCRE regex engine: \\\\
there for use in a PHP string: \\\\\\\\
$value = 'mercedes-benz';
$pattern = '/(\+|-|\/|&&|\|\||!|\(|\)|\{|}|\[|]|\^|"|~|\*|\?|:|\\\)/';
$replace = '\\\\\\\\${1}';
echo preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $value);
As mickmackusa points out, you can get away with six rather than eight backslashes in some cases, such as a replacement of '\\\\\\'
; this works because the regex engine sees \\\
, which is an escaped backslash (\\
) followed by a single backslash (\
) that can't be escaping anything because it's the end of the string. Simply doubling for each "layer" of escaping is probably safer than learning when this short-cut is and isn't valid, though.