In my Spring Integration powered project I have a splitter and payload-router for sending my data to various transformers. The new "transformed" objects are then passed back to an aggregator and processed.
Now I want to split up my aggregated results so they are persisted properly, since I need to route some of the objects to a seperate outbound-channel-adapter. To achieve this, I added a second splitter after my aggregator; but it seems only the first element in the aggregated collection is passed to the router.
This is my current flow:
<splitter ref="articleContentExtractor" />
<!-- This router works exactly as expected -->
... routing to various transformers ...
... results are sent to articleOutAggregateChannel ...
<aggregator ref="articleAggregator" />
<splitter />
<!-- This is where it seems to go wrong, the second
splitter returns only the first object in the collection -->
<payload-type-router resolution-required="true">
<mapping type="x.y.z.AbstractContent" channel="contentOutChannel" />
<mapping type="x.y.z.Staff" channel="staffOutChannel" />
<outbound-channel-adapter id="contentSaveService" ref="contentExporter"
method="persist" channel="contentOutChannel" />
<outbound-channel-adapter id="staffSaveService" ref="staffExporter"
method="persist" channel="staffOutChannel" />
And my Aggregator code:
public List<? super BaseObject> compileArticle(List<? super BaseObject> parts) {
// Search for the required objects for referencing
Iterator<? super BaseObject> it = parts.iterator();
Article article = null;
List<Staff> authors = new ArrayList<Staff>();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object part =;
if (part instanceof Article) {
article = (Article)part;
else if (part instanceof Staff) {
// Apply references
return parts;
What am I doing wrong? Am I using my aggregator properly?
Note: If I just remove both the aggregator and second splitter altogether, the rest of the flow works perfectly.
It is hard to tell everything that is going on since I don't have all your code, but I was able to make this flow work the way I think you wanted. The baseObjectTransformer does nothing but set a flag on the objects passing through it:
<context:component-scan base-package="net.grogscave.example" />
<channel id="inputChannel" />
<splitter ref="articleContentExtractor" input-channel="inputChannel"
output-channel="splitArticleStaff" />
<channel id="splitArticleStaff" />
<payload-type-router input-channel="splitArticleStaff">
<mapping type="net.grogscave.example.domain.Article" channel="articleChannel" />
<mapping type="net.grogscave.example.domain.Staff" channel="staffChannel" />
<channel id="articleChannel" />
<transformer input-channel="articleChannel" output-channel="articleOutAggregateChannel"
<channel id="staffChannel" />
<transformer input-channel="staffChannel" output-channel="articleOutAggregateChannel"
<channel id="articleOutAggregateChannel" />
<aggregator ref="articleAggregator" input-channel="articleOutAggregateChannel" output-channel="splitArticleInChannel"/>
<channel id="splitArticleInChannel" />
<splitter input-channel="splitArticleInChannel" output-channel="splitArticleOutChannel" />
<channel id="splitArticleOutChannel" />
<payload-type-router resolution-required="true" input-channel="splitArticleOutChannel">
<mapping type="net.grogscave.example.domain.Article" channel="contentOutChannel" />
<mapping type="net.grogscave.example.domain.Staff" channel="staffOutChannel" />
<channel id="contentOutChannel">
<queue capacity="10" />
<channel id="staffOutChannel">
<queue capacity="10" />
I then just exercise this flow with the following code in a test case:
AbstractApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(
MessageChannel inputChannel = context.getBean("inputChannel",
PollableChannel contentOutChannel = context.getBean("contentOutChannel",
PollableChannel staffOutChannel = context.getBean("staffOutChannel",
inputChannel.send(new GenericMessage<String>("Dewey Wins!,A. Fool, C. Lewlis"));"==> Article recieved: "
+ contentOutChannel.receive(0).getPayload());
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{"==> Staff recieved: "
+ staffOutChannel.receive(0).getPayload());
My logging output produces all three entities.
All that being said, have you considered simply removing the extra splitter/aggregator and simply moving the setAuthors logic to your first splitter? I don't know all the details of your flow, but it would seem to simplify things.