I am reading a file with minio and have a REST controller that returns the inputstream given by minio as an InputStreamResource. Here is my code:
fun download(): ResponseEntity<InputStreamResource> {
// read file from minio
// getObjectResponse is an InputStream
val getObjectResponse = minioClient.getObject(getObjectArgs)
return ResponseEntity.ok().body(InputStreamResource(getObjectResponse))
According to this question wrapping an InputStream into a InputStreamResource is correct, and spring is supposed to close the underlying InputStream after the reponse is delivered. Yet I still get the infamous
okhttp3.OkHttpClient: A connection to ... was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body?
What are my options here? I would rather not need to copy and buffer the minio content into memory as these files tend to be very large.
By using Yuri Schimkes suggestion to improve logging and some debugging I found out that spring is closing the inputstream only when a HTTP 200 is returned and the inpustream is actually read and delivered. In my case sometimes caching happened (spring magic with etags) and spring returned a HTTP 304 without consuming and closing the inputstream.