I've created an AWS Lambda based Spring Cloud Function with multiple functions and it works fine when I define exactly one "spring_cloud_function_definition" environment variable in the AWS Lambda Configuration panel. These functions' input and output is a Message<?>, so the payload and http headers can be accessed runtime as well.
I'd like to use this AWS Lambda function in different API Gateway methods, so for example:
I found this documentation on Spring.io which says it's feasible:
If the input argument is of type Message<?>, you can communicate routing instruction by setting one of spring.cloud.function.definition or spring.cloud.function.routing-expression Message headers. For more static cases you can use spring.cloud.function.definition header which allows you to provide the name of a single function (e.g., …definition=foo) or a composition instruction (e.g., …definition=foo|bar|baz)
So the following test event should run in AWS Lambda without any failure:
{ "method": "POST", "body": "{ "key" : "value" }", "headers": { "spring.cloud.function.definition": "saveItem" } }
but of course it throws an exception:
No function defined: java.lang.IllegalStateException
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No function defined
at org.springframework.cloud.function.context.AbstractSpringFunctionAdapterInitializer.apply(AbstractSpringFunctionAdapterInitializer.java:187)
at org.springframework.cloud.function.adapter.aws.SpringBootRequestHandler.handleRequest(SpringBootRequestHandler.java:51)
at org.springframework.cloud.function.adapter.aws.SpringBootApiGatewayRequestHandler.handleRequest(SpringBootApiGatewayRequestHandler.java:140)
at org.springframework.cloud.function.adapter.aws.SpringBootApiGatewayRequestHandler.handleRequest(SpringBootApiGatewayRequestHandler.java:43)
I've tried many configurations (application.properties, AWS Lambda env property, header, etc.) but nothing happened:
What could be the problem? What is the best configuration in this case? Any help would be appreciated!
Used technologies:
I've updated to v3.1.3 and switched to FunctionInvoker and I've added the function definition to the request template mapping header, and it worked fine.
Anyways, thanks for the help. :)