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How to interact with interfaces through HardHat?

how can I interact with interfaces through hardhat.

For example in brownie you can just call function from an interface like this:

def main():
    weth = interface.IWeth("weth_address")
    tx = weth.deposit({"from": account, "value": "value"})

and that's it.

Is there a way to do the same in hardhat? I've been siting on this problem for couple of hours and for the life of me I can't figure out how to do this.

If it's not possible how do I get weth through solidity.


  • In hardhat, you can achieve it using the attachment.

    1. Go to hardhat console: npx hardhat console
    2. Get the contract factory: factory = await ethers.getContractFactory('YourContractName')
    3. Attach to address weth = await factory.attach('weth_address')
    4. Do your function call e.g:
    signer = await ethers.getSigner();
    await signer.sendTransaction({ to: tokenAddress, value: ethers.utils.parseEther("5.0") });