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Why would LIMIT 2 queries work but LIMIT 1 always times out?

I'm using this public Postgres DB of NEAR protocol:


SELECT "public"."receipts"."receipt_id",
FROM "public"."receipts"
WHERE ("public"."receipts"."receipt_id") IN
        (SELECT "t0"."receipt_id"
            FROM "public"."receipts" AS "t0"
            INNER JOIN "public"."action_receipts" AS "j0" ON ("j0"."receipt_id") = ("t0"."receipt_id")
            WHERE ("j0"."signer_account_id" = 'ryancwalsh.near'
                                        AND "t0"."receipt_id" IS NOT NULL))
ORDER BY "public"."receipts"."included_in_block_timestamp" DESC

always results in:

ERROR:  canceling statement due to statement timeout
SQL state: 57014

But if I change it to LIMIT 2, the query runs in less than 1 second.

How would that ever be the case? Does that mean the database isn't set up well? Or am I doing something wrong?

P.S. The query here was generated via Prisma. findFirst always times out, so I think I might need to change it to findMany as a workaround.


  • Your query can be simplified /optimized:

    SELECT r.receipt_id
         , r.included_in_block_hash
         , r.included_in_chunk_hash
         , r.index_in_chunk
         , r.included_in_block_timestamp
         , r.predecessor_account_id
         , r.receiver_account_id
         , r.receipt_kind
         , r.originated_from_transaction_hash
    FROM   public.receipts r
       SELECT FROM public.action_receipts j
       WHERE  j.receipt_id = r.receipt_id
       AND    j.signer_account_id = 'ryancwalsh.near'
    ORDER  BY r.included_in_block_timestamp DESC
    LIMIT  1;

    However, that only scratches the surface of your underlying problem.

    Like Kirk already commented, Postgres chooses a different query plan for LIMIT 1, obviously ignorant of the fact that there are only 90 rows in table action_receipts with signer_account_id = 'ryancwalsh.near', while both involved tables have more than 220 million rows, obviously growing steadily.

    Changing to LIMIT 2 makes a different query plan seem more favorable, hence the observed difference in performance. (So the query planner has the general idea that the filter is very selective, just not close enough for the corner case of LIMIT 1.)

    You should have mentioned cardinalities to set us on the right track.

    Knowing that our filter is so selective, we can force a more favorable query plan with a different query:

    WITH j AS (
       SELECT receipt_id  -- is PK!
       FROM   public.action_receipts
       WHERE  signer_account_id = 'ryancwalsh.near'
    SELECT r.receipt_id
         , r.included_in_block_hash
         , r.included_in_chunk_hash
         , r.index_in_chunk
         , r.included_in_block_timestamp
         , r.predecessor_account_id
         , r.receiver_account_id
         , r.receipt_kind
         , r.originated_from_transaction_hash
    FROM   j
    JOIN   public.receipts r USING (receipt_id)
    ORDER  BY r.included_in_block_timestamp DESC
    LIMIT  1;

    This uses the same query plan for LIMIT 1, and either finishes in under 2 ms in my test:

                                                                             QUERY PLAN                                                                         
     Limit  (cost=134904.89..134904.89 rows=1 width=223) (actual time=1.750..1.754 rows=1 loops=1)
       CTE j
         ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on action_receipts  (cost=319.46..41564.59 rows=10696 width=44) (actual time=0.058..0.179 rows=90 loops=1)
               Recheck Cond: (signer_account_id = 'ryancwalsh.near'::text)
               Heap Blocks: exact=73
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on action_receipt_signer_account_id_idx  (cost=0.00..316.79 rows=10696 width=0) (actual time=0.043..0.043 rows=90 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: (signer_account_id = 'ryancwalsh.near'::text)
       ->  Sort  (cost=93340.30..93367.04 rows=10696 width=223) (actual time=1.749..1.750 rows=1 loops=1)
             Sort Key: r.included_in_block_timestamp DESC
             Sort Method: top-N heapsort  Memory: 25kB
             ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.70..93286.82 rows=10696 width=223) (actual time=0.089..1.705 rows=90 loops=1)
                   ->  CTE Scan on j  (cost=0.00..213.92 rows=10696 width=32) (actual time=0.060..0.221 rows=90 loops=1)
                   ->  Index Scan using receipts_pkey on receipts r  (cost=0.70..8.70 rows=1 width=223) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=1 loops=90)
                         Index Cond: (receipt_id = j.receipt_id)
     Planning Time: 0.281 ms
     Execution Time: 1.801 ms

    The point is to execute the hugely selective query in the CTE first. Then Postgres does not attempt to walk the index on (included_in_block_timestamp) under the wrong assumption that it would find a matching row soon enough. (It does not.)

    The DB at hand runs Postgres 11, where CTEs are always optimization barriers. In Postgres 12 or later add AS MATERIALIZED to the CTE to guarantee the same effect.
    Or you could use the "OFFSET 0 hack" in any version like this:

    SELECT r.receipt_id
         , r.included_in_block_hash
         , r.included_in_chunk_hash
         , r.index_in_chunk
         , r.included_in_block_timestamp
         , r.predecessor_account_id
         , r.receiver_account_id
         , r.receipt_kind
         , r.originated_from_transaction_hash
    FROM  (
       SELECT receipt_id  -- is PK!
       FROM   public.action_receipts
       WHERE  signer_account_id = 'ryancwalsh.near'
       OFFSET 0  -- !
       ) j
    JOIN   public.receipts r USING (receipt_id)
    ORDER  BY r.included_in_block_timestamp DESC
    LIMIT  1;

    Prevents "inlining" of the subquery to the same effect. Finishes in < 2ms.


    "Fix" the database?

    The proper fix depends on the complete picture. The underlying problem is that Postgres overestimates the number of qualifying rows in table action_receipts. The MCV list (most common values) cannot keep up with 220 million rows (and growing). It's most probably not just ANALYZE lagging behind. (Though it could be: autovacuum not properly configured? Rookie mistake?) Depending on the actual cardinalities (data distribution) in action_receipts.signer_account_id and access patterns you could do various things to "fix" it. Two options:

    1. Increase n_distinct and STATISTICS

    If most values in action_receipts.signer_account_id are equally rare (high cardinality), consider setting a very large n_distinct value for the column. And combine that with a moderately increased STATISTICS target for the same column to counter errors in the other direction (underestimating the number of qualifying rows for common values). Read both answers here:


    2. Local fix with partial index

    If action_receipts.signer_account_id = 'ryancwalsh.near' is special in that it's queried more regularly than others, consider a small partial index for it, to fix just that case. Like:

    CREATE INDEX ON action_receipts (receipt_id)
    WHERE signer_account_id = 'ryancwalsh.near';