Apparently, discord bots can have mobile status as opposed to the desktop (online) status that one gets by default.
After a bit of digging I found out that such a status is achieved by modifying the IDENTIFY packet
in discord.gateway.DiscordWebSocket.identify
modifying the value of $browser
to Discord Android
or Discord iOS
should theoretically get us the mobile status.
After modifying code snippets I found online which does this, I end up with this :
def get_mobile():
The Gateway's IDENTIFY packet contains a properties field, containing $os, $browser and $device fields.
Discord uses that information to know when your phone client and only your phone client has connected to Discord,
from there they send the extended presence object.
The exact field that is checked is the $browser field. If it's set to Discord Android on desktop,
the mobile indicator is is triggered by the desktop client. If it's set to Discord Client on mobile,
the mobile indicator is not triggered by the mobile client.
The specific values for the $os, $browser, and $device fields are can change from time to time.
import ast
import inspect
import re
import discord
def source(o):
s = inspect.getsource(o).split("\n")
indent = len(s[0]) - len(s[0].lstrip())
return "\n".join(i[indent:] for i in s)
source_ = source(discord.gateway.DiscordWebSocket.identify)
patched = re.sub(
r"\1Discord Android\2",
loc = {}
exec(compile(ast.parse(patched), "<string>", "exec"), discord.gateway.__dict__, loc)
return loc["identify"]
Now all there is left to do is overwrite the discord.gateway.DiscordWebSocket.identify
during runtime in the main file, something like this :
import discord
import os
from discord.ext import commands
import mobile_status
discord.gateway.DiscordWebSocket.identify = mobile_status.get_mobile()
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="?")
async def on_ready():
print(f"Sucessfully logged in as {bot.user}")"DISCORD_TOKEN"))
And we do get the mobile status successfully
But here's the problem, I wanted to directly modify the file (which held the function) rather than monkey-patching it during runtime. So I cloned the dpy lib locally and edited the file on my machine, it ended up looking like this :
async def identify(self):
"""Sends the IDENTIFY packet."""
payload = {
'op': self.IDENTIFY,
'd': {
'token': self.token,
'properties': {
'$os': sys.platform,
'$browser': 'Discord Android',
'$device': 'Discord Android',
'$referrer': '',
'$referring_domain': ''
'compress': True,
'large_threshold': 250,
'v': 3
# ...
(edited both $browser
and $device
to Discord Android
just to be safe)
But this does not work and just gives me the regular desktop online icon.
So the next thing I did is to inspect the identify
function after it has been monkey-patched, so I could just look at the source code and see what went wrong earlier, but due to hard luck I got this error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\Achxy\Desktop\fresh\", line 8, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Achxy\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 1024, in getsource
lines, lnum = getsourcelines(object)
File "C:\Users\Achxy\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 1006, in getsourcelines
lines, lnum = findsource(object)
File "C:\Users\Achxy\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 835, in findsource
raise OSError('could not get source code')
OSError: could not get source code
Code :
import discord
import os
from discord.ext import commands
import mobile_status
import inspect
discord.gateway.DiscordWebSocket.identify = mobile_status.get_mobile()
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="?")
async def on_ready():
print(f"Sucessfully logged in as {bot.user}")"DISCORD_TOKEN"))
Since this same behavior was exhibited for every patched function (aforementioned one and the loc["identify"]
) I could no longer use inspect.getsource(...)
and then relied upon dis.dis
which lead to much more disappointing results
The disassembled data looks exactly identical to the monkey-patched working version, so the directly modified version simply does not work despite function content being the exact same. (In regards to disassembled data)
Notes: Doing Discord iOS
directly does not work either, changing the $device
to some other value but keeping $browser
does not work, I have tried all combinations, none of them work.
TL;DR: How to get mobile status for discord bot without monkey-patching it during runtime?
The following works by subclassing the relevant class, and duplicating code with the relevant changes. We also have to subclass the Client
class, to overwrite the place where the gateway/websocket class is used. This results in a lot of duplicated code, however it does work, and requires neither dirty monkey-patching nor editing the library source code.
However, it does come with many of the same problems as editing the library source code - mainly that as the library is updated, this code will become out of date (if you're using the archived and obsolete version of the library, you have bigger problems instead).
import asyncio
import sys
import aiohttp
import discord
from discord.gateway import DiscordWebSocket, _log
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
class MyGateway(DiscordWebSocket):
async def identify(self):
payload = {
'op': self.IDENTIFY,
'd': {
'token': self.token,
'properties': {
'$os': sys.platform,
'$browser': 'Discord Android',
'$device': 'Discord Android',
'$referrer': '',
'$referring_domain': ''
'compress': True,
'large_threshold': 250,
'v': 3
if self.shard_id is not None and self.shard_count is not None:
payload['d']['shard'] = [self.shard_id, self.shard_count]
state = self._connection
if state._activity is not None or state._status is not None:
payload['d']['presence'] = {
'status': state._status,
'game': state._activity,
'since': 0,
'afk': False
if state._intents is not None:
payload['d']['intents'] = state._intents.value
await self.call_hooks('before_identify', self.shard_id, initial=self._initial_identify)
await self.send_as_json(payload)'Shard ID %s has sent the IDENTIFY payload.', self.shard_id)
class MyBot(Bot):
async def connect(self, *, reconnect: bool = True) -> None:
Creates a websocket connection and lets the websocket listen
to messages from Discord. This is a loop that runs the entire
event system and miscellaneous aspects of the library. Control
is not resumed until the WebSocket connection is terminated.
reconnect: :class:`bool`
If we should attempt reconnecting, either due to internet
failure or a specific failure on Discord's part. Certain
disconnects that lead to bad state will not be handled (such as
invalid sharding payloads or bad tokens).
If the gateway to connect to Discord is not found. Usually if this
is thrown then there is a Discord API outage.
The websocket connection has been terminated.
backoff = discord.client.ExponentialBackoff()
ws_params = {
'initial': True,
'shard_id': self.shard_id,
while not self.is_closed():
coro = MyGateway.from_client(self, **ws_params) = await asyncio.wait_for(coro, timeout=60.0)
ws_params['initial'] = False
while True:
except discord.client.ReconnectWebSocket as e:'Got a request to %s the websocket.', e.op)
ws_params.update(, resume=e.resume,
except (OSError,
asyncio.TimeoutError) as exc:
if not reconnect:
await self.close()
if isinstance(exc, discord.ConnectionClosed) and exc.code == 1000:
# clean close, don't re-raise this
if self.is_closed():
# If we get connection reset by peer then try to RESUME
if isinstance(exc, OSError) and exc.errno in (54, 10054):
ws_params.update(, initial=False, resume=True,
# We should only get this when an unhandled close code happens,
# such as a clean disconnect (1000) or a bad state (bad token, no sharding, etc)
# sometimes, discord sends us 1000 for unknown reasons so we should reconnect
# regardless and rely on is_closed instead
if isinstance(exc, discord.ConnectionClosed):
if exc.code == 4014:
raise discord.PrivilegedIntentsRequired(exc.shard_id) from None
if exc.code != 1000:
await self.close()
retry = backoff.delay()
_log.exception("Attempting a reconnect in %.2fs", retry)
await asyncio.sleep(retry)
# Always try to RESUME the connection
# If the connection is not RESUME-able then the gateway will invalidate the session.
# This is apparently what the official Discord client does.
ws_params.update(, resume=True,
bot = MyBot(command_prefix="?")
async def on_ready():
print(f"Sucessfully logged in as {bot.user}")"YOUR_BOT_TOKEN")
Personally, I think that the following approach, which does include some runtime monkey-patching (but no AST manipulation) is cleaner for this purpose:
import sys
from discord.gateway import DiscordWebSocket, _log
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
async def identify(self):
payload = {
'op': self.IDENTIFY,
'd': {
'token': self.token,
'properties': {
'$os': sys.platform,
'$browser': 'Discord Android',
'$device': 'Discord Android',
'$referrer': '',
'$referring_domain': ''
'compress': True,
'large_threshold': 250,
'v': 3
if self.shard_id is not None and self.shard_count is not None:
payload['d']['shard'] = [self.shard_id, self.shard_count]
state = self._connection
if state._activity is not None or state._status is not None:
payload['d']['presence'] = {
'status': state._status,
'game': state._activity,
'since': 0,
'afk': False
if state._intents is not None:
payload['d']['intents'] = state._intents.value
await self.call_hooks('before_identify', self.shard_id, initial=self._initial_identify)
await self.send_as_json(payload)'Shard ID %s has sent the IDENTIFY payload.', self.shard_id)
DiscordWebSocket.identify = identify
bot = Bot(command_prefix="?")
async def on_ready():
print(f"Sucessfully logged in as {bot.user}")"YOUR_DISCORD_TOKEN")
As to why editing the library source code did not work for you, I can only assume that you have edited the wrong copy of the file, as people have commented.