According to the AWS documentation, this policy allows any S3 bucket to send a notification to an SNS topic:
"Statement" :[
"Principal" :"*",
I want to do the same for an SQS queue instead of an SNS topic. This Policy doesn't work:
"Statement" :[
"Principal" :"*",
This (allowing every AWS account in the world) works:
"Statement" :[
"Principal" :"*",
But when I try to restrict it with the Principal, it doesn't work again:
"Statement" :[
"Principal" :"111122223333",
By "doesn't work" I mean that the Policy is accepted as valid, but when I try to configure an S3 bucket to send a notification (NotificationConfiguration) I get the error:
Unable to validate the following destination configurations : Permissions on the destination queue do not allow S3 to publish notifications from this bucket
If you want to restricts access to specific AWS account, you need to add nested block AWS
under Principal
"Principal": {
"AWS": "111122223333"
or with multiple accounts:
"Principal" : {
"AWS": [
See AWS JSON policy elements: Principal for details.