Hello coding community,
If my data frame looks like:
ID Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
Per1 1 2 3 4
Per2 2 NA NA NA
Per3 NA NA 5 NA
Is there any syntax to delete the row associated with ID = Per2, on the basis that Col2, Col3, AND Col4 = NA? I am hoping for code that will allow me to delete a row on the basis that three specific columns (Col2, Col3, and Col4) ALL are NA. This code would NOT delete the row ID = Per3, even though there are three NAs.
Please note that I know how to delete a specific row, but my data frame is big so I do not want to manually sort through all rows/columns.
Big thanks!
Test for NA and delete rows with a number of NA's equal to the number of columns tested using rowSums
dat[!rowSums(is.na(dat[c('Col2', 'Col3', 'Col4')])) == 3, ]
# ID Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
# 1 Per1 1 2 3 4
# 3 Per3 NA NA 5 NA