In a 32-bit VCL Application in Windows 10 in Delphi 11 Alexandria, I have a TreeView (TTreeView
descendant), where MultiSelect = False
and PopupMenu = PopupMenu1
, so when I right-click a node in the TreeView, then PopupMenu1
is invoked.
In the PopupMenu1.OnPopup
event-handler, I need the right-clicked node to be programmatically selected. How can I do that?
Example: In the following screenshot, the first node is preselected. When I right-click the last node to invoke the popup menu, then the last node gets VISUALLY selected TOO (although MultiSelect = False
However, when I try to detect the selected node in the PopupMenu1.OnPopup
procedure TformMain.PopupMenu1Popup(Sender: TObject);
CodeSite.Send(MyTreeView.Selected.Text', MyTreeView.Selected.Text);
... then CodeSite reports still the FIRST node as selected!
So how can I set the right-clicked node in the PopupMenu1.OnPopup
event-handler to be selected?
(Please note that the TreeView's OnMouseDown
event-handler gets executed AFTER the PopupMenu1.OnPopup
Obviously, the TPopupMenu
class lacks an OnBeforePopup
The simplest solution I know of is to use the OnContextPopup
procedure TForm1.TreeView1ContextPopup(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint;
var Handled: Boolean);
var TreeNode := TreeView1.GetNodeAt(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y);
if Assigned(TreeNode) then
TreeNode.Selected := True;