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UE4. Widget component doesn't show up when its outer is controller

As it's said, in UE 4.27 widget component doesn't show up when its outer is player controller. But in 4.18 version it worked.

Could you please explain why ?

And how ( if it's possible ) can I make it work in 4.27 ?

Widget is set in the widget component.

To reproduce:


TSubclassOf<UComicFXWidgetComponent> ComicWidgetClass;

UComicFXWidgetComponent* NewComponent;

My .cpp code that does work:


// If I change "this" with PlayerController ref then it will not work
NewComponent = NewObject<UComicFXWidgetComponent>(this, ComicWidgetClass);


NewComponent->AttachToComponent(equippedWeapon_->mesh_, FAttachmentTransformRules::SnapToTargetNotIncludingScale, TEXT("DamageSocket"));

My .cpp code that does NOT work:


APlayerController* PC = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(this, 0);
NewComponent = NewObject<UComicFXWidgetComponent>(PC, ComicWidgetClass); // "this" replaced with "PC"


NewComponent->AttachToComponent(equippedWeapon_->mesh_, FAttachmentTransformRules::SnapToTargetNotIncludingScale, TEXT("DamageSocket"));


  • Okay. The answer is:

    APlayerController derives from AController. And AController in it's constructor calls SetHidden(true); and it affects it's children ( or actors whose outer is the controller ).

    To solve just add in your Controller constructor:
