Search code examples

Find all the tasks assigned to a member inside assignedTo array

  _id: 1,
  title: "Task 1",
  assignedTo: ["userId1", "userId2", "userId3"]
  status: "To do"
  _id: 2,
  title: "Task 2",
  assignedTo: ["userId1", "userId2"],
  status: "In progress"
  _id: 3,
  title: "Task 3",
  assignedTo: ["userId3"],
  status: "Completed"

I want to use MongoDB aggregate to return all the tasks assigned to a user and group them by status. For example, the input is: userId: "userId1" , and the expected output should be something like this:

  results: [
      status: "To do",
      tasks: [
            _id: 1,
            title: "Task 1",
            assignedTo: ["userId1", "userId2", "userId3"]
      status: "In progress",
      tasks: [
            _id: 2,
            title: "Task 2",
            assignedTo: ["userId1", "userId2"]
      status: "Completed",
      tasks: []


  • you can group by status and push items if it matches the userId1

    you can test it here mongodb playground

        "$group": {
          "_id": {
            status: "$status"
          tasks: {
            "$push": {
              $cond: [
                  "$in": [
                  _id: "$_id",
                  title: "$title",
                  assignedTo: "$assignedTo"
        "$project": {
          status: "$_id.status",
          tasks: 1,
          _id: 0