I am trying to do the following on R Markdown. Basically, I would like the user to be able to select between two values of a parameter called "Machine" and based on the value selected run some chunks and not others. I know that the "eval" option might be useful here but I have no clue on how to use it in order to reach my goal. My code for the moment is this (in R Markdown):
title: "SUM and SAM"
output: html_document
label: "Machine"
value: SUM
input: select
choices: [SUM, SAM]
label: "Display Code:"
value: TRUE
date: !r Sys.Date()
label: "Input dataset:"
value: None
input: file
input: slider
min: 2018
max: 2020
step: 1
round: 1
sep: ''
value: [2018, 2019]
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
############# IMPORTANT ###################################
#Remember to Knit with Parameters here using the "Knit button"--> "Knit with Parameters".
#If you only want the parameters to be shown, run the following.
#This must be left uncommented if we want to show the content of the Markdown file once "Knit with Parameters" is pressed.
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
Say now I would like a chunk that will execute only if machine = SAM. How can I do that?
Was thinking about something like:
{r pressure, echo=FALSE, eval=params$machine}
but does not work
Thank you,
Let there be a file called foo.Rmd
with this content:
title: "SUM and SAM"
output: html_document
input: select
choices: [SUM, SAM]
value: SUM
```{r, eval = params$machine == "SAM", echo=FALSE}
print("SAM was chosen")
```{r, eval = params$machine == "SUM", echo=FALSE}
print("SUM was chosen")
Then you can do:
rmarkdown::render("foo.Rmd", params = list(machine = "SAM"))
Alternativeley, there is the option knit with parameters
in RStudio:
Resulting in foo.html