I am so frustrated that my vscode debugger does not work on the remote servers suddenly today.
Here is the situation.
When I use the starred interpreter by vscode (the recommended one), it works smoothly. However, when I want to use other interpreters, the ones stored in personal folder on the server, the debugger doesn't launch a debug console and dose not enter the file.
Vscode can find and recognize the interpreters and I can use those interpreters to run scripts but can NOT DEBUG.(on the remote server) However, it works fine on my local machine with multiple python interpreter.
Can anyone give me some help? I have tried uninstall vscode completely on my end but still not work. Thank you so much!!
This workaround might work for you: use the interpreter that works for you but in the launch.json configuration file add a
"python": "/path/to/the/python/you/want",
I share the same experience. It seems that vscode fails to start the remote debugger with the interpreter I want but succeeds with the system interpreter. For example:
"configurations": [
"name": "config_name",
"type": "python",
"python": "/path/to/desired/python",
"request": "launch",
"program": "/path/to/python/script.py",
"console": "integratedTerminal",