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Yii2 UrlManager rules

What would be the Urlmanager rule for changing a url like site/product?name=[name] to product/[name]?

I tried

'<action:\w+>' => 'site/<action>',
'product/<id:\d+>' => 'product',

But it gives me a 404


  • Before answering to your question a short explain what is wrong. You try to pass alpha chars to an action that handles only integers. The rule 'product/<id:\d+>' indicate that the url should be like:


    The regular expression \d+ limits this url part to an integer.


    For url like product/[name], you should add this pattern:

    'product/<name:[\w]+>' => 'product/item',

    Where 'product/<name:[\w]+>' will match any url like:


    The <name:[\w]+> will be the parameter that will hold matched url part and and creates a variable named $name that will contain only the alpha chars, due the regular expression [\w]+. This variable will be passed to controller action.

    And 'product/item' is the controller / action that will handle request, in this example is ProductController and actionItem with parameter $name.

    Now in ProductController you need to add an action:

     * Handle products by name
     * @param string $name
    public function actionItem($name) {
       // ... do stuff here

    More information can be found here Yii2 Routing and URL Creation.