I'm trying to have a simple program written in Solana that, on user approval, runs and transfers a given amount of SOL into the program's owner account.
From JS side I've this based on the HelloWorld example from Solana repo
const secretKeyString = await fs.readFile(filePath, {encoding: 'utf8'});
const secretKey = Uint8Array.from(JSON.parse(secretKeyString))
const keypair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(secretKey)
const instruction = new TransactionInstruction({
keys: [
{pubkey: publicKey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true}, // from wallet
{pubkey: keypair.publicKey, isSigner: false, isWritable: true} // from json file, program owner
data: Buffer.alloc(0)
const transaction = new Transaction().add(instruction);
signature = await sendTransaction(transaction, connection);
//toast('Transaction Sent');
On the program side I've simple used an example in a C example from Solana repo (no edit) - therefore assume all is good
* @brief A program demonstrating the transfer of lamports
#include <solana_sdk.h>
extern uint64_t transfer(SolParameters *params) {
// As part of the program specification the first account is the source
// account and the second is the destination account
if (params->ka_num != 2) {
SolAccountInfo *source_info = ¶ms->ka[0];
SolAccountInfo *destination_info = ¶ms->ka[1];
// Withdraw five lamports from the source
*source_info->lamports -= 100000000;
// Deposit five lamports into the destination
*destination_info->lamports += 100000000;
return SUCCESS;
extern uint64_t entrypoint(const uint8_t *input) {
SolAccountInfo accounts[2];
SolParameters params = (SolParameters){.ka = accounts};
if (!sol_deserialize(input, ¶ms, SOL_ARRAY_SIZE(accounts))) {
return transfer(¶ms);
However this keeps failing with error ´-32003 Transaction creation failed.`
The system level SOL transfer
has a constraint that the from
PublicKey must be a system owned account. This means accounts owned by programs or PDA will fail as they are owned by your program. https://solanacookbook.com/references/accounts.html#transfer
The transfer of lamports that your code shows can only happen if the from
PublicKey is a program owned account. https://solanacookbook.com/references/programs.html#transferring-lamports