I just get this error.
Property 'forEach' does not exist on type 'ObjectId | [BaseAction]'.
The error is on the last line, the code is :
ServiceModel.findOne({name: "slack"}).populate({
path: 'actions',
model: 'BaseActionModel',
}).then((res) => {
if (!res?.actions) return // null verif
res.actions.forEach((action: BaseAction) => {
I search but I found nothing on it. To add more context, my models are :
@ObjectType({description: 'Services'})
export class Service {
@Field(() => ID)
id!: string;
name!: String;
out_url!: String;
in_url!: String;
@Field((_type) => [BaseAction])
@Property({ref: BaseAction})
actions: Ref<[BaseAction]>;
You can ask for more code if you want
In order to perform a OneToMany relationship in type-graphql, you need to use typeorm.
import {ObjectType, Field, ID, InputType} from 'type-graphql';
import {prop as Property, getModelForClass, Ref} from '@typegoose/typegoose';
import {OneToMany} from "typeorm"; // import this
@ObjectType({description: 'Services'})
export class Service {
@Field(() => ID)
id!: string;
name!: String;
out_url!: String;
in_url!: String;
@Field((_type) => [BaseAction])
// @ts-ignore type unused
@OneToMany(type => BaseAction, action => action.id) // add this
actions?: BaseAction[];