When making a call to the Questions endpoint (https://developers.google.com/my-business/reference/qanda/rest/v1/locations.questions/list) using a URL like https://mybusinessqanda.googleapis.com/v1/locations/7588802572969590693/questions I get back a list of questions with top answers. However when I make a call to the Answers endpoint (https://developers.google.com/my-business/reference/qanda/rest/v1/locations.questions.answers/list) using a URL like https://mybusinessqanda.googleapis.com/v1/locations/7588802572969590693/questions/AIe9_BExcxslmE1rr7n5jMcadSKe_cI3ZkOvVEvqa8t0FKNXgmSYiUhM_1uJsGKdkR7rDZwgFwpFSWBONLvdDvfxs5c7gNiOk4Z6MdcNBPJyLb0wBiy8uR0Ezz2aMrE3xRIW9sIysNDK/answers to get a list of all answers for a specific question name I keep getting the below error response:
{ "error": { "code": 404, "message": "Requested entity was not found.", "status": "NOT_FOUND" }}
If I take any of the question names from the first questions list call, the answers call always returns the above error message.
Update 3: fixed again as of April 14, 2022.
Update 2: this bug was reintroduced in April 2022.
Update: This bug was fixed yesterday (Feb 22, 2022).
This is a bug.
The only remediation possible right now is to continue using the GMB API v4.9 method: https://developers.google.com/my-business/reference/rest/v4/accounts.locations.questions.answers/list