I want to test if a sidebar that I have created for navigation works or not, this is a simple example of what I have made
<li><Link to="/location1">location 1</Link></li>
<li><Link to="/location2">location 2</Link></li>
this is my test
const routerWrapper = ({children}) => <BrowserRouter>{children}</BrowserRouter>
// The first one runs fine
it('navigation to location 1' , () => {
render(<SideBar/> , {wrapper:routerWrapper})
// get the element and click on it
// check if title of page is correct
it('navigation to location 2' , () => {
render(<SideBar/> , {wrapper:routerWrapper})
// can't run because location is at /location1
When I test the navigation with RTL, first test runs fine, but after that the location remains at that directory for next test, how do I clear location after every test? or any suggestions how should I test navigation?
Well I did figure it out, we can use <MemoryRouter>
for this purpose.
Just passed the value ['/'] to initialEntries
prop from <MemoryRouter>
and tests work fine.
also slideshowp2 answer is very useful if you are interested