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Django Rest Framework testing with python queue

I have a DRF application with a python queue that I'm writing tests for. Somehow,

  1. My queue thread cannot find an object that exists in the test database.
  2. The main thread cannot destroy the db as it's in use by 1 other session.

To explain the usecase a bit further, I use Django's user model and have a table for metadata of files which you can upload. One of this fields is a created_by, which is a ForeignKey to django.conf.settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL. As shown below, I create a user in the TestCase's setUp(), which I then use to create an entry in the Files table. The creation of this entry happens in a queue however. During testing, this results in an error DETAIL: Key (created_by_id)=(4) is not present in table "auth_user".. When the tests are completed, and the tearDown tries to destroy the test DB, I get another error DETAIL: There is 1 other session using the database.. The two seem related, and I'm probably handling the queue incorrectly.

The tests are written with Django's TestCase and run with python test.

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from rest_framework.test import APIClient
from django.test import TestCase

class MyTest(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.client = APIClient()
        user = User.objects.create_user('TestUser', '[email protected]', 'testpass')
    def test_failing(self):'/totestapi', data={'files': [open('tmp.txt', 'rt')]})

The queue is defined in separate file, app/

from app.models import FileMeta
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread

def queue_handler():
    while True:
        user, files = queue.get()
        for file in files:

queue = Queue()
thread = Thread(target=queue_handler, daemon=True)

def start_upload_thread():

def put_upload_thread(*args):

Finally, the queue is started from app/, which is always called when Django is started, and contains all the APIs.

from rest_framework import APIView
from app.queue import start_upload_thread, put_upload_thread


class ToTestAPI(APIView):

    def post(self, request):
        put_upload_thread(request.user, request.FILES.getlist('files'))


  • Apologies that this is not a "real" answer but it was getting longer than a comment would allow.

    The new ticket looks good. I did notice that there was no stoping of the background thread, as you did. That is probably what is causing that issue with the db still being active.

    You use TestCase, which runs a db transaction and undoes all database changes when the test function ends. That means you won't be able to see data from the test case in another thread using a different connection to the database. You can see it inside your tests and views, since they share a connection.

    Celery and RQ are the standard job queues - Celery is more flexible, but RQ is simpler. Start with RQ and keep things simple and isolated.

    Some notes:

    • Pass in the PK of objects not the whole object
    • Read up on pickle if you do need to pass larger data.
    • Set the queues to async=False (run like normal code) in tests.

    Queue consumers are a separate process running anywhere in the system, so data needs to get to them somehow. If you use full objects those need to be pickled, or serialized, and saved in the queue itself (i.e. redis) to be retrieved and processed. Just be careful and don't pass large objects this way - use the PK, store the file somewhere in S3 or another object storage, etc.

    For Django-RQ I use this snippet to set the queues to sync mode when in testing, and then just run things as normal.

    if IS_TESTING:
        for q in RQ_QUEUES.keys():
            RQ_QUEUES[q]['ASYNC'] = False

    Good luck!