I'm working on building a follow-network form Github's available data on Google BigQuery, e.g.: https://bigquery.cloud.google.com/table/githubarchive:day.20210606
The key data is contained in the "payload" field, STRING type. I managed to unnest the data contained in that field and convert it to an array, but how can I get the last element?
Here is what I have so far...
select type,
array(select trim(val) from unnest(split(trim(payload, '[]'))) val) payload
from `githubarchive.day.20210606`
where type = 'MemberEvent'
Which outputs:
How can I get only the last element, "Action":"added"} ? I know that
select array_reverse(your_array)[offset(0)]
should do the trick, however I'm unsure how to combine that in my code. I've been trying different options without success, for example:
with payload as ( select array(select trim(val) from unnest(split(trim(payload, '[]'))) val) payload from `githubarchive.day.20210606`)
select type, ARRAY_REVERSE(payload)[ORDINAL(1)]
from `githubarchive.day.20210606` where type = 'MemberEvent'
The desired output should look like:
To get last element in array you can use below approach
select array_reverse(your_array)[offset(0)]
I'm unsure how to combine that in my code
select type, array_reverse(array(
select trim(val)
from unnest(split(trim(payload, '[]'))) val
from `githubarchive.day.20210606`
where type = 'MemberEvent'