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Retrieve value of a column after update?

I update a counter (no autoincrement ... not my database ...) with this FDQuery SQL:

UPDATE CountersTables
SET Cnter = Cnter + 1
OUTPUT Inserted.Cnter
WHERE TableName = 'TableName'

I execute FDQuery.ExecSQL and it works: 'Cnter' is incremented.

I need to retrieve the new 'Counter' value but the subsequent command

newvalue := FDQuery.FieldByName('Cnter').AsInteger

Fails with error:

... EDatabaseError ... 'CountersTables: Field 'Cnter' not found.

What is the way to get that value?


  • TFDQuery.ExecSQL() is meant for queries that don't return records. But you are asking your query to return a record. So use TFDQuery.Open() instead, eg:

    FDQuery.SQL.Text :=
      'UPDATE CountersTables' +
      ' SET Cnter = Cnter + 1' +
      ' OUTPUT Inserted.Cnter' +
      ' WHERE TableName = :TableName';
    FDQuery.ParamByName('TableName').AsString := 'TableName';
      NewValue := FDQuery.FieldByName('Cnter').AsInteger;

    If the database you are connected to does not support OUTPUT, UPDATE OUTPUT into a variable shows some alternative ways you can save the updated counter into a local SQL variable/table that you can then SELECT from.