Looking to align TitleContent
with ChildContent
left. This expansion panel is in a tight space and I'd like to remove the gutters on the title content but DisableGutters
only seems to apply to ChildContent
TryMudblazor: https://try.mudblazor.com/snippet/QEQwYmkTgJGCChXP
Thanks in advance!
From GitHub MudBlazor Discussions:
You have to use CSS to call out the mud-expand-panel-header
.my-panels .mud-expand-panel-header { padding: 0px; }
<MudExpansionPanels Class="my-panels" Elevation="0" DisableGutters="true" Dense="true">
<MudExpansionPanel Dense="true" Style="padding: 0px;">
<MudText Class="mud-text-primary">$[ItemPrice1] [ItemPrice1Label]</MudText>
<MudText Class="mud-text-primary">$[ItemPrice2] [ItemPrice2Label]</MudText>
<MudText Class="mud-text-primary">$[ItemPrice3] [ItemPrice3Label]</MudText>